Artichoke Soup





Artichoke Soup


4 or 6 Jerusalem artichokes p.p. peeled and sliced
1 tablespoon olive oil, boiling water
Sea salt and black pepper.
1 handful sliced fresh parsley or coriander
Grate of nutmeg


Put the artichokes into the hot oil in your nice big pot. Sizzle for a bit. Pour over enough boiling water just to cover them. Turn the heat down to a gentle simmer and put the lid on. Leave them for about 10 minutes then see how they're doing.

If they are soft add a pinch of sea salt, a sprinkle of black pepper, a grate of nutmeg and give them a wee ginger up with your handheld electric masher.

A Wee Note

There are two types of artichoke:

(1) globe – which has big shiny, spiky leaves. You boil it, pull off the leaves one by one and dip each leaf into a vinaigrette sauce, then scrape off the juicy bit with your teeth

(2) Jerusalem which look like knobbly wee potatoes.

Another wee note : As well as being very tasty artichokes are good for the heart and the liver. They can help lower cholesterol and can help people with gout, rheumatism or arthritis. They are a good source of folate, one of the B vitamins and potassium.

Yet another wee note : the Japanese have no word for hot flushes! This suggests that they don't have hot flushes. It is thought that the reason for this is the amount of soya products they eat, which we don't, maybe we should!

Artichoke Soup 2

The mixture as for (1) but add: peeled artichoke 1 blob olive oil. Fresh, very finely chopped basil.


Proceed as before.

Just before serving sprinkle the basil onto the soup.

Artichoke Soup 3

The mixture as for (1) but add: peeled artichoke 1 blob olive oil. Fresh, very finely chopped basil.


Half cover the vegetables with boiling water and top up with soya milk.

Cook until tender and mash the mixture very lightly. Add the wine or orange juice, a dash of sea salt, a grate of black pepper, a grate of nutmeg, a handful of very finely chopped basil and a good thick slice of warm plain bread and serve.

A wee note:

mono terpenes are very good antioxidants. They protect the body against heart disease and cancer . They are found in basil, parsley and various other fruits and vegetables

If you have any recipes or tips about food, then would love to know.
