Xmas Spice Cake





Xmas Spice Cake


Serves six

5 oz soft margarine
5 oz soft brown sugar
8 oz self-raising flour
3 oz sultanas
3 eggs
1 lb fruit mincemeat
1 oz flaked almonds


Place all ingredients except the almonds and one of the eggs in a large bowl and beat well until blended

When everything is fairly well mixed, add the last egg and give it all a good stir.

Turn the mixture into a greased baking tin. Smooth the top and sprinkle with almonds before baking

In middle of the oven at gas mark 3 (225F) for 1 3/4 hours.

Leave to cool in tin, then take out, remove paper and serve.

To keep, seal in an airtight container.

It is that easy. With all the best and compliments of the season

If you have any recipes or tips about food, then editor@anAurora.co.uk would love to know.
