Armchair Gardener

Is Green the new Black?

I heard a T.V. garden programme host say to one of the interviewees,

“Do you think that green is the new black in garden fashion?”

This left me puzzled and confused and with an image of gardeners draped in grassy cloaks and wreaths of green leaves.

I think what he meant was that green is the new chique in gardening terms.


But green has always been the black in gardening.

It is the perfect complement to every other colour.

All gardens suit green whatever their shape and size.

It looks good during the day and in the evening.

It is pleasantly understated and timelessly classic.

It can be accessorised in an almost infinite variety of ways.

From the cool simple galvanised pot to heavy encrusted chunky baroque statuary.

A well turned out garden can be seen in green whatever the season.

My motto is;

Mostly this season my garden will be wearing green


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