




anAurora's horoscope is here with her light hearted view of the stars.

In the Stars



24th September - 23rd October

Three quarters of the year has gone, and now the leaves begin to go yellow and gold. Your wallet has become emptier after the holidays and it is time to save for the Festive Season. What a life.

24th October - 22nd November

As the rains begin, and the nights get longer, there are still a couple of holidays left. Cheer up, it's time for chestnuts, Guy Fawkes, bonfires and ... was that a gnome you saw down at the river?

23rd November - 21st December

Christmas day is coming, plenty of hot cheer around a sparkling fire. So what if it's icy cold outside and white is the colour of the ground? Enjoy the shortness of the days - they are going to start to get longer soon enough.

For those who want a more personal horoscope: Please contact your local newspaper!

If you enjoy writing, and have a story, poem or narrative that you would like to share, send them to editor@anAurora.co.uk If you wish to attach a drawing or sketch, then so much the better!
